CMART Projects
Here are some projects that CMART postdoctoral fellows have been involved in. Inquiries & proposals about other possible projects are also welcome.
- With John Pane and Rita Karam, RAND.
Investigation of peer classroom composition influences on students' algebra achievement in the Cognitive Tutor Algebra project. Funded by IES.
- With John Engberg & Laura Hamilton, RAND.
Research leading to a successful NSF grant proposal for studying the use of anchoring vignettes to improve measures of teaching practice. This project now supports the CMART postdoc who participated in the proposal-writing process. Funded by NSF.
- With Dan McCaffrey, RAND.
A validation study of context effects in evaluating effective teaching. Funded by IES.
- With Brian Stecher & John Engberg, RAND.
Intensive partnerships for effective teaching. Funded by Gates Foundation.
- With Brian Junker, CMU.
Chapters for the revised edition of Handbook of modern IRT (Wim van der Linden & Ron Hambleton, eds.)
Development of new statistical models for rating teacher effectiveness over time.
- Personal research projects started
during CMART postdoc.
Retention study for the Pittsburgh Promise, a philanthropic effort to subsidize college education for graduates of the Pittsburgh Public Schools. Independent consulting.
Investigating national/state policy impacts on school environments for instruction using the NCES School and Staffing Survey (SASS). With Brian Junker (CMU) and Jennifer Russell (University of Pittsburgh).
Statistical Equivalence Testing for Differential Item Functioning Detection. With Brian Junker, CMU.