Julia Kaufman
Ph.D., International Education, New York University, 2006
M.A., Teaching, University of Pittsburgh, 1995
- Research Associate, University of Pittsburgh Evaluation for Learning Group: Co-leader on projects focusing on K-12 education programs and state policymaking. Adjunct Researcher, Rand Corporation: Co-PI and researcher on an NSF-funded project to develop and test new methods to improve teachers' survey reports of their instructional practices.
- Lead Evaluator, Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative evaluation of the effectiveness of their online course materials in community colleges.
- Measurement of classroom instruction through teacher self-report and classroom observations; Mixed method analysis of data related to K-12 education, curricula and policy;
- Quantitative skills include hierarchical linear modeling, with some experience on randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental data; Qualitative skills include qualitative coding and analysis of interview and classroom observation data;
Selected Recent/Ongoing Work
Kaufman, J.H., Junker, B., & Stein, M.K. (in preparation). A new research agenda for understanding effective universal algebra policies.
Coburn, C.E., Russell, J.L., Kaufman, J.H. & Stein, M.K. (revise and resubmit in progress). Supporting sustainability: Teachers' advice networks and ambitious instructional reform. American Journal of Education.
Kaufman, J.H., Karam, R., & Pane, J. (Accepted). How curricula and students' algebra readiness influence teachers' time on traditional and reform mathematics activities. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Spring 2012 Conference, Washington, DC.
Kaufman, J.H., Correnti, R., & Stein, M.K. (Accepted). How staffing policies and practices exacerbate inequitable teacher distribution. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Kaufman, J.H., & Stein, M.K. (2011). What influences the accuracy of teachers' self-reports about their reform mathematics instruction? Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Fall 2011 Conference, Washington, DC.
Stein, M.K., Kaufman, J.H., Sherman, M. & Hillen, A. (2011). Algebra: A challenge at the crossroads of policy and practice. Review of Educational Research, 81, 4, 453-492.
Kaufman, J.H. & Schunn, C. (2011) Students' perceptions about online peer assessment for writing: Their origin and impact on revision work. Instructional Science, 39, 3, 387-406.
Stein, M.K. & Kaufman, J.H. (2010) Selecting and supporting mathematics curricula at scale. American Educational Research Journal, 47, 3, 663-693.
Kaufman, J.H., Correnti, R. & Stein, M.K. (2010). A+ Schools Tools, Rules, and Schools Initiative: Learning Policy Center Technical Report. Pittsburgh: A+ Schools. Available: http://www.aplusschools.org/pdf/SRT/SRT_techreport.pdf.
Kaufman, J.H., Harris, C. & Schantz, F. (2010). A+ Schools 2010 Report to the Community on Public School Progress in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: A+ Schools. Available: http://www.aplusschools.org/pdf/cspr09/A+Intro[1].pdf.
Kaufman, J.H. & Stein, M.K. (2009). Teacher learning in a shifting policy environment for instruction. Educational Policy, 24, 4, 563-601.
Kaufman, J.H. & Lin, L.Q. (2009). The factors motivating Chinese girls' behavior and work in school. In Baker, D. and Wiseman, A. (Eds.), Gender, Equality and Education from International and Comparative Perspectives. New York: JAI Press.
Nelson, C., Kaufman, J.H., Booker, K. & Gill, B. (2007). Elementary-grade math programs in the Pittsburgh Public Schools: A comparison of Everyday Mathematics and Harcourt Mathematics. Boston: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Kaufman, J.H. (2004). The interplay between social and cultural determinants of school effort and success. Social Science Quarterly, 85, 5, 1275-1298.
Scaling Up Mathematics, with Mary Kay Stein, Miray Tekkumru-Kisa and Jennifer Russell at the University of Pittsburgh and Cynthia Coburn at University of California, Berkeley. In this project, I am investigating the relationship among mathematics curriculum policies, teachers' knowledge and social interaction, and their instruction.
Algebra: A Challenge at the Crossroads of Policy and Practice, with Mary Kay Stein at the University of Pittsburgh, Milan Sherman at Portland State University, and Amy Hillen at Kennesaw State University. In this project, I am reviewing the knowledge base for universal algebra policies and considering what that review implies for future research and coursetaking policies.
Cognitive Tutor Algebra Effectiveness Trial, with John Pane and Rita Karam at RAND and Brian Junker at Carnegie Mellon University. In this project, I am investigating how curriculum and students' algebra readiness influence time teachers spend on reform-oriented and traditional mathematics activities.
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